
Hezhan Green-Tech & Research

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       绿色技术研究中心是绿色可持续建筑与环境生态修复综合解决方案实践者,通过既有建筑绿色节能改造、舒适节能建筑设计 、绿色环境景观工程设计与水资源综合优化利用、高效低耗室内环境系统设计与开发、可持续建筑材料和建筑体系设计研发五个方面展开工作,为可持续性城市更新提供具有前瞻性的实践样本。

       Green-Tech Research Center applies new green building development theory and takes advantage of mature energy saving technology from Germany. We make necessary adjustments to get along with local weather and development circumstance and provide over-all building & environment solutions.To balance natural adaptability and environmental renovation, Hezhan aims at positively remaking nature basing on the premise of protecting it. We advocate using renewable energy to lower energy use via initiative and passive.